The Faculty of Education was established by Senate Resolution of 1985 and Council’s directives of 1987 with the following four departments:
- Business Education
- Science Education
- Technical Education and Health Science and Tech.
- Foundations of Education
Following the visitor’s directives of 1987, the faculty was rationalized into two departments and service units as follows:
- Vocation Education with threee degree programs of
- Business Education
- Health and Physical Education
- Technical Education
2. Science Education
3. A Service unit of Foundations of Education
Another reorganization of the programmes namely, Business Education was created to have three programmes, namely: Business Education with Accounting, Commerce and Cooperative Secretarial Technology options; Technical Education with Building/Woodwork, Electrical/Electronics and Mechanical/Automobile Technology options, and Adult Education.
From the inception of the University in 1991 from Anambra State University of Science and Technology (ASUT), the department of Vocational Education was one of the existing departments in the Faculty of Education. As at that time, the Department existed as Vocational and Adult Education and housed the following programmes and options:
Adult Education
Business Education
- Accounting
- Commerce and Cooperative
- Secretarial Technology
Technical Education
- Building/Woodwork Technology
- Electrical/Electronics Technology
- Mechanical/Automobile Technology
When Adult Education attained Departmental status in 2008, the department was demerged and became Vocation Education Department.
In 2011, Jonathan’s administration introduced a policy called transformation agenda. The policy emphasized dire need for technical and vocational manpower for effctive transformation of country’s economy. In response, the department sought for and got the institution’s Senate approval in 2013 to mount two additional programmes; Agricultural Science and Home Economics Education programmes. The department currently offer the following programmes in the vocational and technology disciplines:
Vocational Education Disciplines
- Agricultural Science Education Programme
- Business Education Programme
- Home Economics Education programme
Technology Education Disciplines
- Building/Woodwork Technology
- Electrical/Electronics Technology
- Mechanical/Automobile Technology
A crop of experts (lecturers) have been assembled in the department to teach, research and ensure that students who enrol in any of the programme options on graduation believe they have something to offer for their well-being and for the good of the society.