Personnel Administration
a. The department uses a simple line structure with the HOD at the top and all other lecturers constituting the Departmental Board where general decisions are reached. The non-academic staff complement by providing necessary services as needed. The Department makes use of committee system and these committees report to the HOD decisions taken or refer issues they cannot resolve for further actions. The HOD tries to resolve all issues within her jurisdiction and refer others to the Dean or to the Vice Chancellor through the Dean. The Non-teaching staff all report to the HOD on their specific schedules and assignments. The Department has a computer literate secretary and other administrative staff.
bi. Staff involvement in decision – making.
Every academic staff is a statutory member of the Departmental board.
The Departmental board meets periodically to make decisions about the academic and welfare needs of staff and students in the department. There is a free flow of communication through verbal and non-verbal contacts, memos, circulars, etc so that all can operate as partners.
bii. Staff involvement in the current administration
At the beginning of each academic year the Head of Department usually assigns departmental duties to all staff of the department for the effective administration of department.
c. Staff development Policy:
Policy and practice on staff development are implemented through granting of study leave, sabbatical leave, research grant and sponsorship of staff to conferences and workshops. The Department formed research clusters in which younger academics are monitored by more experienced researchers. Research workshops are conducted by the Department. Younger staff are sponsored to local conferences and workshops. Staff have variously featured in academic research exhibitions organized by the Faculty. Staff are encouraged whenever they apply to go on Sabbatical, Fellowship and on Doctoral programmes. The Department also welcomes other staff from various universities on Sabbatical leave.
d. Staff promotion follows the university conditions of service and ASUU Agreement of 1992. Many departmental staff have been promoted to various cadres.
2 Students Welfare
a. Handling of academic grievances
This follows official procedures laid down in the regulation – Grievances are reported to the Vice-Chancellor through the HOD and Dean of Faculty. Departmental, Faculty and University disciplinary procedures are also in place. The Department takes students’ reported grievances seriously. Efforts are made exhaustively to resolve all such grievances knowing that they could affect students not just academically but psychologically. Care is taken to preserve anonymity whenever necessary for safety and ethical considerations. Extreme students’ grievances are reported to the Dean and Vice Chancellor especially when they involve issues captured in student-staff disciplinary procedures. Students’ staff advisers deal with students’ opinion boxes and report to the HOD and the Departmental Board. Some students living in poverty are recommended to the University and philanthropists for sponsorship. Students with disabilities are monitored and followed through at all times for assistance. This is to ensure that they complete their programmes successfully.
b. Student Academic Advising
Students are given academic advisers who help them settle in for studies and help them solve problems as they get along. Academic advisers hold conferences with students under them.
c. Students Work Aid
The University has a practice of assisting students who need to earn some money to enable them go through their studies. They must however be students who are in good academic standing so that they can cope with the extra strain on their time. The Department recommends to the university our deserving and able ones.
3 Examination
a. Questions set are vetted by course coordinators, HOD and external examiners for all examinations. All final year courses are moderated by external examiners. The university introduced the use of a combination of continuous assessment, essays, objective tests, computer based examinations to facilitate fast grading of examinations. Computer making, conference marking are used in the Department to ensure fairness and objectivity in assessment.
b. Further techniques adopted by the Department include individual and group projects, seminar presentations, assignments, laboratory performance (Micro-Teaching Skills). All questions set are submitted with marking guides through course coordinators to the HOD before examinations.
4 Academic Atmosphere
Policy adopted and practiced by the Department in pursuit of academic standards and maintenance of academic atmosphere.
A University–wide quiz is programmed for all courses taught in the university to enhance more teaching and follow-up. The department effectively participates in this.
Students interact freely with lecturers and academic freedom is practiced in the Department. Students of the Department freely consult their supervisors for academic and career advice. Our students are free to apply for a remark of their scripts when there is need. Grades are moderated internally at department, faculty as well as externally by external examiners. Senate approves all degree results from the Department.
Students’ Union and positive programmes created by our students are supported by the Department.