Educational Management and Policy Degree Options:
- Sc (Ed) Honours Degree in Educational Management (Science)
Teaching Subjects (options)
- Computer Science
- Health Education
- A (Ed) Honours Degree in Educational Management (Arts)
Teaching Subjects (options)
- English Language
- Religious Knowledge
- History
- Music
- African & Asian studies (Igbo)
- Sc (Ed) Honours Degree in Educational Management (Social/Environmental Sciences)
Teaching Subjects (options)
- Political Science
- Geography
- Economics
- Sc (Ed) Honours Degree in Educational Management (Management Science) Teaching Subjects (options)
- Accountancy
- Business Administration
- Co-operative Economic & Management
The Department of Educational Management and Policy shall award the degree of Bachelor to students based on their respective teaching subjects
- UME ENTRY: As in the general standards prepared by the NUC, UME candidates would possess 5-credit level passes (including English & Maths) in the senior secondary school certificate or its equivalent, in addition to acceptable pass in the UME. This admits them to a standard four-year programme of universities.
- DIRECT ENTRY: Applicants would join the programme at the 200 level. They would possess any of the following qualifications in addition to the basic university admission requirements of the subject area departments whose courses would be considered as restricted electives.
- Two (2) passes in relevant subject areas at advanced level, with SC/GCE “O” level credit passes in 5 subjects at not more than two sittings, OR
- A two-year diploma of a recognized institution in Nigeria or overseas with pass level not below merit.
- At least a merit pass in two major subjects in relevant areas at NCE with G.C.E “O” level credits or equivalent in 5 other subject areas. Education is accepted as a third A-level subject.
The course contents arranged according to restricted electives (Teaching subjects) approved by the University Management are:
- Accountancy
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Cooperative Economics and Management
- Economics
- English Language
- Geography
- Health Education
- Political Science
- Igbo
- History
- Religious Knowledge
- Music