The Department of Educational Foundations has been in existence since the inception of the University in 1991. When the Department was initially established, it housed many programs. Later the Department of Science Education and the Department of Library and Information Science were demarged from it. In 2005, the Department was accredited. In 2006, two more Departments – Departments of Educational Management Policy and the Department of Guidance and Counseling were also carved out of the Department. Currently, the Department runs nine programs as follows:
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education English;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education Igbo;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education Fine and Applied Arts;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education French;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education History;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education Music;
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education Religion;
Bachelor of Science Degree in Education Economics and
Bachelor of Science Degree in Education Political Science.
All the core courses are housed in the Department of Educational Foundations, and are taught by lecturers in the Department, while other courses are taught by lecturers in the servicing Departments.